Museum Field Trip Information

The OERB realizes how enriching hands-on experiences can be for students. That is why we created a field trip program allowing classes to visit museums across the state with petroleum and energy exhibits. Please read all instructions before scheduling your field trip. 

How to get free museum admittance and transportation reimbursement

      1. Complete the Little Bits, Fossils to Fuel, Fossils to Fuel 2, Petro Active, Rockin’ Ratios or CORE Energy curriculum in your classroom.
      2. Complete the Field Trip/Curriculum Evaluation Form found on your Profile. Allow two weeks for processing. Please note: You will only be contacted if there is a problem with your field trip form. If you are not contacted within those two weeks of submission, please complete Step 3.
      3. To schedule your field trip, after you submit your form and wait the designated time, you must contact the museum of your choice directly. When you call, please notify them that you are participating in the OERB field trip program. In late spring, museum times fill quickly. Plan ahead to ensure admittance.
        Please note: Museums are notified by the OERB of your intent to schedule a field trip. Therefore, the Field Trip/Curriculum Evaluation Form must be received by the OERB prior to scheduling your field trip.
      4. NEW – After your field trip is complete, fill out the Transportation Reimbursement Form found on your Profile and attach a transportation invoice. As a part of the field trip program, the OERB will reimburse your school for actual transportation costs based on that invoice. 


  • The OERB will pay for one field trip, per student, per school year. 
  • Students in your class are eligible for the field trip only upon completion of an OERB curriculum. 
  • Educators must be teaching the designated grade level and subject for which the curriculum is intended.

At the museum

All museums require an adequate number of sponsors. Please be sure to ask the museum at the time you schedule your trip. The OERB will pay admission for the required number of sponsors. Any additional sponsors will need to pay their own admission.

Each museum has either an energy class or energy-based exhibit, which will be included in your field trip as a supplement to the OERB curriculum. These are mandatory for all OERB-sponsored field trips.

Reimbursement information

Your field trip will only be approved for the closest age-appropriate museum. If you are not planning to attend that museum, and do not get pre-approval from the OERB, your school will only be reimbursed for up to 200 miles round trip. 

The OERB will cover the actual cost of transportation to and from the closet age-appropriate museum up to 200 miles round trip. Reimbursement forms must include a consolidated transportation invoice from your school or school district.  Additional funding requests are no longer required. *If you are using personal vehicles, please use the invoice template found on HomeRoom.

Ready to apply? Return to your Profile and scroll to the bottom to Free! Museum Field Trip and click Apply Now!

For questions, please email