Our Curriculum
Rockin' Ratios
For 5th-Pre-Algebra Grade Students
Rockin’ Ratios (Grades 5th-Pre Algebra) has three lessons covering mapping, tangrams, slope, algebraic reasoning, ratios and proportional relationships. Students will practice these concepts and learn more about how land descriptions are used in the energy industry, how the concept of slope is used in directional drilling and will complete the curriculum by designing their own storage tanks by calculating volume and surface area.
This curriculum was written by Oklahoma educators with the help of industry experts. Rockin’ Ratios meets Oklahoma Academic Standards for Math and English/Language Arts. Educators receive free training, a teacher’s guide and an activity kit.
Start teaching the Rockin’ Ratios curriculum
To acquire the Rockin’ Ratios curriculum, teachers must attend a day-long professional development workshop. The workshops are free, and educators receive a $100 stipend for attending. Educators completing the workshop receive seven (7) Professional Development hours.
Already attended a Rockin’ Ratios workshop? Go to your Profile to access all of your curriculum resources.
Each class that completes the Rockin’ Ratios curriculum will receive a free field trip from the OERB to one of 12 participating Oklahoma museums. Click here to view our partner museums!